Without guys like you serving I won't know where we'd be! Thanks you and God bless you and keep you safe!
Thank You for your dedication and service! It is because of people like you that this country is so great and we can all enjoy our freedom! Salute!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for your service to the Republic. Make it back safe. I'm short on time, but not too far away, if I can be of any help, let me know.
Thanks for your service! Listen to your gut and keep your head and butt down; really down when it starts. Semper Fi
will need yall to keep her motor-0vated. with links and ideas mostly. bulid sheets and pix of progress and ill have her do the same. sugestions like motor specs cooling sys chassie set up wheels tire size and spacing that kind o stuff tanks agin.:16suspect
As a former soldier, god speed! As a former resident of oklahoma, any way i can help, im there for you and her. just pm me and if i can make it happen, SO BE IT!!