the engine is a 84 vintige out of a T-bird. if its all original ,they were equiped with bolt down rockers. ford racing sells bolt down rockers and springs and dont need to machine for studs or guide plates and harden push rods. or take the oem rockers to a machine shop and have them modified the slots on all 16,but do change the springs and get new lifters !! you dont know how much abuse and mileage the motor has. oh forgot !! what ever springs you get ask about the installed hieght and shim(if needed) for proper seat pressure. good luck!!!!
I guess I forgot to add I bought a used cam with matching lifters, supposed to only have about 3000 miles on the set...
I don't mean to be a buzzkill, but they say that you MUST get all of those used lifters back onto the same lobe that they were broken in on. Otherwise you are supposed to use new lifters and re-break them in. I don't know this is a fact, I have always just figured it was cheaper to get lifters than ruin a cam and waste the labor. Dave
The guy says he he put the lifters in a numbered block when he took them out. If he is truthful about it, and sends them to me that way, I don't think I will have any problems with them. On the other hand, if they arrive loose in a bag, I will go ahead and get a new set. I have heard the same thing, but years ago, before I knew better, I put a engine back together without keeping the lifters straight, and never had any problems with it. Put over 100,000 miles on it, maybe I got lucky, don't know. A little [well, alot] older, hopefully a lot wiser!