I'm not sure what nights I will be out. I know I won't be out on Wednesday. I am pretty sure I will be out on Friday. Not sure on the other days. Jon
That cruise just gets too conjested. I will have the Mav at Back to the Bricks in Flint Saturday instead. I like the Downriver cruise alot better.
I'll be there possibly tonight (Thursday) if it doesn't rain and on Saturday. On Saturday I'll be parked at the Mobil station at the far north end of Woodward and Square Lake road.
I was there on Friday (last night). What a zoo. I'm glad I took the Mustang. Much more comfortable and AC!! Much less complaining from the copilot. We tried to pull over at an empty lot. A guy comes up to us and says it $50 to park there. It's 8 PM, we'll be gone in an hour. Whatever Dude, See Ya! There has to be a better way to organize that event.
we hung out on the north bound side of woodward, little past normandy on a red f350 with a deck on the back, was a really nice view for most of the day
Here's a cool picture from the "104.9 WOMC" website. Looks like, Lee, Earl, and Dale. I saw Earl, yesterday afternoon.