Yeah, I'm ticked at mine right now too. I found out while bolting up the steering last week that my lower control arm bushings are gone. Won't be ready until after the NMCA race in GA.
Oh yeah, btw, I'm down for a race. I'll let you guys know when I get my stuff sorted out. Maybe we can all meet at the track for a little heads up, run what ya brung action. :evilsmile
Hey Okibono your is SD? I'd love to "check' out what the big boys are doing. I talked to Erik-Mav a few times. Do you guys go to Qualcomm for the 1/8th?
I'm gonna have to just throw out a guess this may be the winner?
Wow a funny car Maverick. That is awesome. Oh Irwindale (8th mile) is the closest to me, I don't know what track they have in San Diego, Carlsbad closed last year.
i think barona may be the closest track to sd, or maybe qualcom. not sure. i'll be in bakersfield next month. get there in the evening of the 10th and be there til the 15th for the et finals.
Don, before you go to Bakersfield you should try to go to the PSCA race at Fontana for some practice. It's on Oct. 6-8...I'll be there. DeJacks: I go to Qualcomm every now and then, the density altitude is great there and it's alot of fun. I'll let you know next time I go.
erick. too close of a date. last time i went to bakersfield i raced the friday before i left and blew the tranny. had to thrash right up to 10pm monday night and left for b'field at 6am tuesday. too close for comfort.