this poll is a little biased i think. what us comet owners don't get a say. putting that aside i would sell my daily driver maverick but my comet stays in the garage. it isn't going anywhere fast.
Like most of us that have kicked ourselves in the butt for selling a car we had in the past I will probably do it again someday. I really want something a little older like a 60s gasser or a 2 door station wagon, but Mavericks AND Comets will always have a special appeal to me.
I use to drag race a maverick in high school and when that car got sold not by me I have looked for one ever since and know that I have found one It will be passed down to my middle son and he has been told if he sells it I will rise up from my grave and snatch him bald headed and we know how much some kids today love their hair.
Well, when I get to old to drive safely, then I will sell my Maverick! I would rather see someone buy it and use it than it sit in a garage and go to hell!
Patches is my 6th I have sold or given away 5 Mavericks and 1 Comet...yep, I would sell mine. ...just not today...
I have had mine for over 21 years! It does seem to reside in a special place! I have talked for years about selling it..but when the time comes I knew that it would never go anywhere else! I have had many offers on it..some for far far more than it is worth...but have always said no! I still recall the day I bought it like it was yesterday(bought at an auction)...and I always think of the guy that was bidding against me who was just going to use it as his winter car...the only reason this car is still around is that it belongs to me...and what an awesome car it turned out to be! Who knows what the future holds...but for as for as I can see, this is my car and it always will be!
In a heart beat & at less than the $3,000 + that I have in it. I'd like a Mustang II Cobra or Mach 1 or Pinto Cruising wagon or the runabout glass back.