watch for it stuck on a bike or skate board i had someone delibertly bend my radio antenna ... looked like a dogs hind leg.. some people are nut bars
I have the same feelings towards people my age... and people older... and people younger... So many people thrive on mediocrity (spelling) and live for what the media tells them... half love these old cars, half hate them and swear we're the reason for smog, ozone depletion, deforestation and "they took our jobs!" Seems about half of them grow out of it... Honestly, would you expect to see a 35 year old man with kids take the emblem or a 17 year old? Jamie, my Mitsubishi emblem fell off my car the other day. Just fell off. I pulled it in the shop, changed the oil, tranny fluid, cleaned the tranny cooler, pulled it up to the house and parked it, got out and the emblem was sitting on the ground. Same type of adhesive. Considering it wasn't there when you got back, someone may have just picked it up. My money is on it falling off and you didn't notice it. I've had that sort of thing happen, swear the gas cap was on the car and find it halfway down my driveway when I got home.
I really hate idiots that steal emblems. One day while I was working late someone stole the Toyota T out of the frount grill on my moms 2002 Corrola, they also attempted to remove the one on the rear truck lid and broke it...... what a piss off. My friends fox body mustang had the 5.0 badges ripped off the side of his car.. and when they removed them took a huge amount of paint off the sides. I'd really like to catch one of these people in the act.
Yeah, and I was in the insurance office getting it insured!!!!! The agent wasn't amused, but since it did not meet the deductible, tough luck!!!
When the movie Maverick came out back in the 90s, with Mel Gibson, a friend of mine was rebuilding a late 80s model Camaro. He was a poker player, and wanted to claim the name "Maverick", even though he was not one... Anyway, he was decent enough to go to a junkyard and find the emblems, and mounted them in the correct locations on his Camaro... Would that be a compliment, or a put down? Funny thing is, back then (less than 10 years ago) I didn't even know what a Ford Maverick was. Now I have one that takes up a good portion of my free time And I LOVE it!!! Just an anecdote...
Oh yeah, sorry about your loss. At least it wasn't the front grill emblem, that would cost you $275 to replace.
i guess,.....if you arent willing to spend the $1.00 at a junkyard for it you must be pretty retarded to risk stealing one and braaking it... too bad...but glad you have a spare