definitely a good experience, even though the paint job sucks, I am semi-pleased with how it turned out for the first time, sure have much food for thought and the good thing is I realize 90% of the mistakes I made ....I look forward to doing it again in a couple years. Learned a lot! And still alot to learn!
Thanks Rick. It is suppose to be copper metalic. But the same as the yellow, I used some cheap paint (main reason was if I screwed up too bad I could start over and it not hurt the pocket to much). And as you will see at the Round-up....I probably should have started over But it was a great learning experience.
I remember thinkin when I finished the white one " I never want to do this again" I'd get mad cuz my skills didn't match the level of workmanship I wanted, I think I walked around with my ass on my shoulders during the whole process. Now Katie's car needs a paint job and I'm debating
your probably right Dennis Rick, I had the same thoughts while doing this one, but now that I am done and I am NOT pleased with it.....I am looking forward to trying again