Paypal won't work because: -We need a signed application or renewal form. -Matching up names and addresses with paypal account names could be confusing -The level of difficulty on "this" end to figure out paypal account payments, credit cards receipts, deposited credits from paypal, etc.....medium to high difficulty -The level of difficulty on "your" end to mail in an application and payment....very to very low.
craig, i have to disagree with you. the degree of difficulty on my end to mail the application is enormous. actually i should have just given it to my wife instead of taking it to the garage with me. the check is going with me to work today, i just hope i don't forget to put it in the mailbox.
Yeah, and so are all the other little things around the house that take about 5 min. to do and 3 months to get around to do . Kinda sounds like my wife .......:16suspect Today I WILL make it to the Post Office. Robert
craig, how about an option to pay for more than a year at a time. then maybe i'd only forget every couple of years.
YUP....mine woulda been paid the day I got the notice or if a reminder had been posted on the board. Sometimes mordernizing is not a bad thing, but how do you tell that to someone who pulls his cars with a 72 LTD wagon, with flames on it.
Nothing wrong with that I still wish I had my 83 Ford Country Squire station wagon 351, C6, big boat, rode good, had air, etc.... paid 200 for it, sold it for 200 wish i woulda kept it now.
LMAO...I'm dyin here, Dan we should shut up now,,,we pull ours around with the C word. I'm just funnin with ya Craig, I can't think of anything better to pull a Mav or Comet around with,,,cept maybe a 72 F-100 Ranger XLT with a 460 and a granny gear
OR a 7.3 Turbo Diesel in a F-250 Only problem is I have to wash the car after hauling it on an open trailer