I can't believe I read this hole thread and no post from Matt common Matt somthing about a fire extinguisher:evilsmile I'n a month I'm sure I can contribute
i'm glad i've never done anything like that rick. however someone did grab my weather station off the roof as i was pulling up in the staging lanes.
Okay guys here is one for you, I was embarrased but for my wife not me. Ford Lightning pickem up truck, sheet of plywood in the back to keep bed from getting scratched up, accidently left tailgate down, truck launches, plywood doesnt, comes out of back of truck at the starting line doesnt go down the track or do anything dangerous, starter picks it up and throws it over the wall. I go and pick it up and catch her on return road and throw in back of truck. She has now been awarded the golden plywood award at the track
My first time ever I was staging my car and kept rolling forward and it wouldn't trip the light. The starter had to come over and tell me to back up because I'd already rolled through the beams. My dad has tons of stories. Broke a transmission in the bleach box once because he didn't get it all the way in gear (Pinto). Launched the car in 3rd, because that's his burn gear and the push pull shifter doesn't do a good job telling you what gear the car is in. Broke the SHIFTER off in his had going for 3rd one time. Broke the shift forks in his mustang street racing and had to drive all the way home in 3rd. Roached an engine in his pinto about half track with no hood on because it was practice day. Covered the entire car in oil. Made it hard to see. Drug the bumper on the pinto twice in one run because my uncle didn't set the wheelie bars right. Lauched the car and all he saw was sky, then it came down hard, he hits second and it's nothing but sky again. Just about put the pinto in the fence one time because my mom cleaned the steering wheel with pledge. Made it nice and slick!! Pushing the car into the staging lane his dumb kid (me!) got his foot stuck in the wheelie bars. Bumping the engine over in the pits and didn't know it was in gear. It fires and the car starts bucking forward and almost squishes someone before it's turned off. He hit his head on the roof one time on the return road because the road was so crappy. Kept his belts on after that. Got his hand stuck in the door... So many wacky memories...