So I see Mr fancy pants GrabberGt did a fantastic job on installing the torque arm setup from the 64-70 ford mustang from TCI. I too want a coil over setup that'll help this car be low and mean and hopefully closer to track ready status. So I started to look into installing the TCI torque arm setup, and saw a different rear package in the form of plain 4-link. Has anyone ever installed this package in their maverick? I've not seen a build thread with it in any of the mavs but I like the way it's setup and may be a lot easier to adapt to the maverick than the whole torque arm setup that Chris put in his mav. I'm trying to get the rear end to a point of finished so I can grab a set of 12 in wide wheels, and get started on flaring the fenders around the wheels. I want low and mean and mad maxx looking. But I want it to handle alot better than stock. And just don't want to give up the mav for a ride on rails corvette.
I've been looking around at a few different ones, what gets me is the position of the lower links, if they bolt into the stock leaf pocket, you may still run into wheel clearance issues for a wider rim with more backspace than 4 1/2"
Dave B is correct. I have 12" wide rears and the leafs and frame was in the way. But if you flare the wheel well, it may barely fit depending on how much you flare it. I tucked mines by notching the frame & reinforcement. But I also had to relocate the leaf pockets.
To save my rear seat, I'm just going to relocate my rear leaf springs, inboard. I've done a load of reading the last few weeks, and have come to the conclusion that a well tuned leaf spring, is as good as a four link any day, for what I'm doing. But, if you really want a four link, it can be done, the guys in Brazil are doing it,
So Dave tell me more about this well tuned leaf spring setup. And what you'll be using it for. Also how you plan on moving the leafs inwards. Just so I can get an idea of what may be better for my application. I remember the Hollywood calbriano maverick with the fender flares for road racing and that's close to what I'm going for. I want to be able to drift in this car a bit, and take corners with the car planted to the pavement with a really wide but not overdone stance. But with how close I'm going to want to keep the tires to the fenders, it need to be tight all around.
I would think that picking up the front leaf spring mounting point would be way to high for the lower links on a 4 link set up - I built a 4 link that still retains the rear seat patterned somewhat after Terry Brigham's hot pink Maverick
if youre thinking about a converging 4-link like for the Mav for corner carving, thats not the greatest setup. great for 1/4 ..but from that picture, looks like regular bushings? 4 link in stock foxbodies, or GM A/G bodies tend to have an articulation problem and snap oversteer. The 3 different fixes were either johnny joint/del spheres/Roto joint ends at each end of lower arm and one at frame end of upper..with same type of bushing for upper axle ear.. 2nd version was a articulink/swivel link style arms(arm body twists) newest style is a rubber swivel max bushing via hotchkis If I were to do a converging 4-link(triangulated) I'd retro fit a foxbody rear suspension under the max with mustang equivelint rear arms and bushing ...think wolf craft racing has these I was also intriqued by grabber GT setup..but time you rework/fab stang kit you can just get a custom rear suspenion.. I also thought about the DSE quadra-link setup..but would be same ordeal as the TCI torque arm kit ..but like 2k more upfront.. I'm going a different route, where the company will make a weld in rear clip..only mods will be cut old rear clip off...weld new rear clip up, with possible floorpan mods but it'll be 5k for rear clip
Triangulated 4 Link kits are cheap, that's what he guys in Brazil run, it's just figuring it all out..and having the real estate to put it all, leaf springs and a panhard bar is the easy way out. I wish there were more options...
ah, yeah, just clicked on link 1200 is really cheap that would still be worth the modifications no doubt this guy will make a 4 link for a maverick, talked to him awhile back You'll just have to supply a couple measurements think its 1340 With any 4 link kit, I'd modify each end of arms with these or or Out of the 3 I like the roto joints better, also 100% U.S.A
I can buy a triangulated weld on kit for less than $500, it a universal kit, but I'm sure I could make it work.
Martz Chassis is in Bedford Pa. and has been in the race car fabrication business since, at least, 1980 when I first saw a brand new Martz Camaro Late Model circle track car they built run at our track
checked it out, the comment section...found this That would be sweet I seriously considered driving my maverick up(2hr drive) there and let him work his magic, but Now thinking about going with AME 3-link for all around rearsetup My frontend needs redone, so $$$ may be factor in my choice...could do m2 kit plus martz rear for about same price..maybe less
hmm...after this video I thik 4bar may be way t go as theirs hardly any difference in overal performance..3 link may feel more stable, but again barely any difference in track results for an extra grand or so.. also note AME will make any of their front/rear clip options for any car, talked with craig on pro-touringcom
I read, quite a bit about leaf springs, with a pan hard bar, and how well it performed compared to a four link, I'll have to find it, I think it was on