I am running the Volvo fan and controller off a BMW temp switch (195 low, 210 high). I really like the fact the fan only runs when needed and could probably suck a small animal through radiator.
I see that dual temperature switch on ebay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/331776051581?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT I might have to get one and try it.
Good stuff guys. I have to design a switch system for my Escort fan and this info is gold. As long as I can get the plugs and pigtails....
That looks like it. Couple things to keep in mind, you will need the proprietary BMW wiring and its a odd thread 14mm I think.
Not sure what you mean by "proprietary BMW wiring"? From what I read it's just a 3-pin switch (high. low, and a common ground).
You are correct on three pins. See pics, I could not think of a good way (not rigged) to attach to the temp switch pins without using the BMW wiring.
BWM Temperature Switch Plug: In addition to the temperature switch, you'll need a plug to connect it to the rest of your fan wiring. What you'll need is: #61131378412--BMW 90* angle connector #61130007445--BMW 90* green connector wires 2 required #61130007446--BMW 90* green/black connector wire for ground
yeah, thanks a lot Frank! The wiring was close but I been trying to screw that damned LED light bar into that little hole all day and it's just not working out too well. On the plus side.. my engine bay now lights up whenever my fans come on so that's not so bad.