I've got a74 maverick 302 2bbl 63000 original miles automatic transmission cple of weeks back was driving along and suddenly it started acting rough ..loss of power felt like it had a miss and very poor idle I pulled over shut it off looked under hood for something obvious like a vacuum line popped off or something..found nothing after a few minutes restarted it and was running fine again all was well till yesterday when on the interstate it happened again this time I floored it and it cleared up till I got off at my exit came to a stop and it barely held an idle and had no power ..had to feather gas just to get it home..once home I pulled spark plugs they look fine..light tan color ..I changed cap rotor and points and installed new fuel filter but problem still exists only this time it's not clearing up any ideas on where to start troubleshooting this issue
Sounds like a prime candidate for trash getting in between the carbs needle and seat. Might be time to plan a basic carb overhaul.
Carb was my first guess to..any idea where a rebuild kit can be purchased. Local parts store is telling me they can't get one
U might want to try this links! http://www.rockauto.com/en/catalog/...8,1132186,fuel/air,carburetor+repair+kit,5964
Found a rebuild kit carb was full of rust put new power valve and needle and seat along with new gaskets big improvement but it's at an idle and loping thinking air fuel mixture is out of wack when I place hand over carb it smooths out
Then it's lean, idle mixture is incorrect, possibly screws are too far in?? If not that the passageways the bleed screw adj probably has trash or gum in them...
Found a rebuild kit carb was full of rust put new power valve and needle and seat along with new gaskets big im No not yet..I just had to get it running asap..drove it for2 hours this evening more I drove it the better it got.not a hint of stumble perfect idle and very responsive throttle ..not bad for my first time rebuilding a carb