Ok I will try both using the battery of a different car and re-checking for blown fuses! I'll need some time to find a terminal to a battery wire to the solenoid! I'll get back to you guys later but I hope it is something simple! I also wanted to know what accessories and such can drain the battery that would cause the alternator not to charge! I noticed a while back that after it was sent to get properly timed it read under 10 volts! It ran fine after I installed an aftermarket radio as well! It might of happened after I changed fuses but I dont know, I made sure I used the right fuses! Any ideas what can drain the battery?!
I think I missed something about the terminal wire - you don't have a terminal wire from the battery to the selenoid?? That will definitely cause it not to start... Relays can drain a battery when they go bad - they can trigger themselves over and over and drain you out (at least on newer cars)
No fuse in the fuse box is going to make any difference, throw them all away it should still crank and start... There is a fuse LINK in the harness that connects to battery terminal on solenoid, if it burned out the electrical system will be dead...
So I finally have the problem resolved after a month of figuring out what was wrong! As said by many it was the battery! Yesterday I checked the fuse block and link and both were fine! I later had to wait for a relative to come so I can switch the batteries! As soon as I switched them there was an immediate difference! The lights turned on and when I went to crank the engine it started up first try! UNBELIEVABLE, it was tested and recharged, I took it in and the people were going to do the same thing so we asked to get it replaced after the insisted that we should recharge it! Not sure what happened to the battery but it didnt have any charge at all! Thank you all again!