I have the original alt. On my car. I installed a regulator on it. It mounts to the back of the alt. It's a small thing and it has been on my car for about.10 years. I think I have seen them in Auto Krafters and Melvins.
Hey guys, so for the time being I'm only going to be able to repair the external regulator. But turns out my actual harness connecting to the back of the alternator is really bad too. Does anyone know if any of these harnesses fit onto the maverick (there mainly for mustangs but I know a lot of parts are interchangeable)? http://restorationpartssource.com/c...ield=alternator+harness&Search.x=0&Search.y=0
I found a brand new reproduction alternator wiring harness on eBay. You may also check with Melvin's, Auto Krafters, etc. Make sure it is EXACTLY like your old one. The one I got on eBay was for my 1972.
Would you happen to know if any of the years are interchangeable? I looked at Melvins and only found them up to 1973, mine is a 74 though. Autokrafters did not have the full harness and ebay only showed me a damaged harness for a 72. Also did your harness include the bottom part? I bought the connecting piece but the one I received from the store has six cables (an extra white one that follows to the “s” on the regulator) not sure if mine was burnt up or originally also had six leading cables.
Wow......yours is a mess. Send me an email (see below) and I will see if I have a used one. Send me those pictures in the email as well.
By the time you replace the regulator, try and find a harness, hook it up so it works and hope it doesn't cause a fire - it may be better to save for the 1 wire. What will the cost be if the car catches fire?
After not easily finding a 74 harness I have finally saved for a one wire. Is there anything else I should purchase along with the one wire alternator aside from a volt meter that I will need ? And is the installation really simple or should I find a clear guide?
Not hard at all but depends on the type you get. If it is a one wire then it’s just one wire to the battery. Make sure to throw a fuse on it. If it is a 3g then you can hook your power wire to the battery and your green wire to your stock harness for key on power. Definitely need a volt meter. I like the 3g better Over the one wire.
Hey guys so I bought the 130amp one wire alt. I’ve been reading in the forums in the meantime to prepare me for installation, it will arrive today. Couple questions left, 1. What do I do with the green and yellow cables on the starter solenoid (s & I) 2. Do I leave the starter cable as is on the right side of the solenoid? And lastly what size fuse do I need and can I purchase that at my auto parts store?
You dont need to do anything with the green and yellow wires on the solenoid, you also do not need to do anything with the starter cable just hook wire from alternator to left side of solenoid ( same cable that goes to battery). The new alternator will probably come wit instructions mine did. As far as the fuse goes I did not install one as I feel it is not needed and it all depends on what you are trying to protect as the wire going from alt. is much smaller than what is needed to provide 130 amps. I will let others help with that decision
I have been running my one wire 6+ years w/o a fuse. However, I installed a length of rubber "heater hose" on the dipstick tube to ensure against possibly shorting the hot cable. I run 4 ga. wire on my car. As mentioned above, nothing needed w/ the other wires on the alternator. If I were going to run a fuse, I wud probably go w/ something like 130 amp.
I just received my alt. Just to be sure. I am running a wire from the red area screw on the new alt to the starter solenoid. then on the same side of the solenoid I’m running my usual battery cable from the solenoid to my battery? How do I ground the alternator? Sorry I’m new to all of this...