I need to replace my brake hoses in the front and I can't loosen the connection to the metal line. Ive soaked it in penetrating fluid but no luck. I'm trying to not screw up the metal line. Also, I cant find the proper hose anywhere. Where could i get it?
Contact Nick at Brake Hoses Unlimited, (616) 836-7885 or email: Goodbrakes@brakehoses.biz he can fabricate any type of hose for you, OEM, braided stainless steel etc., whatever spec's you like. Made in USA at his shop in MI, DOT approved/certified, or you can contact him through his eBay store.......... https://www.ebay.com/itm/FRONT-STAI...e=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649 above link is just an example, so you can contact him through eBay or above email/phone......... David
I cant take off the old ones. What would help get the hoses off? The connection to the hose is a little rusty and its trying to round off when I try to turn it.
I just took mine off, I used a large pair of clamping pliers and a wrench on the hose end. the hose end will not turn so I turned the line nut. not the best way but I knew the line wrench wouldn't do it. using the large set of pliers keeps from chewing up the nut. good luck
Seeing how you will be getting new hoses, use vice grips on the hex fitting on the drum side, as for the other end where it connects to the hard line, how is the flare nut? Ideally, a flare nut wrench would be best, as it would grab on 6 sides, lessening the chance of rounding off the nut...........if that nut is starting to round off, you can get new section of hard line, pre-made or can fabricate your own. If you can post a picture, then we can see how bad the fitting is and can give you a better idea on what to do...... David