Country Mav, Here is a link to my discussion about designing the LED front signals. I ended up going with two white LED panels for driving/turn. The panels are very bright and a good safety measure much like the modern cars (see avatar). At night, they are bright enough to light up the ground in front of the car. To get them to work, I got Cougars Unlimited to design a special circuit that plugs into the side marker harness. The LEDs came from China via Ebay for about $3 a panel. I used the same LEDs to make sequential turn signals and back up lights. I even have them in my interior overhead light and it lights up the whole interior. Micah
brought this up because I'm looking for better lighting. found these and they are marked down half price...
Hi Frank: These are the ones I have and they are bright! The 27250 series is 1st generation using more LED's (phase 6) and has been replaced by newer 2nd generation 27270 series (phase 7), which has better LED layout and sharper beam, uses even less current! Direct plug in, no adapter harnesses, relay's required, no (very little) heat, less current draw, will probably outlast the car! I will never go back to conventional headlights again........ David
Those are a more palatable, price wise, and seemingly best deal performance wise. Thanks for sharing! I don't drive much at night "glare issues", but something I might consider. Also, these seem to fit more w/ looks of old school vehicles. IMO..
Here is link for pair on eBay: or I think I got mine for around $245 for pair, but usually they are around $160-$180 each........ David
One thing that drove me nut when I was looking for LEDs is how the manufacturers do not list the lumen and color temperature of the bulbs. A little hard to compare when you cant tell the output. Micah
My dad put these LED headlights in from Trucklite on several years ago. They're plenty bright and I like them quite a bit. The light is more of a blueish white. I had to aim them more downwards, because I've been told when driving behind friends that they're a bit overkill and I can easily blind people with them. I remember my dad was messing around with an HID headlight conversion kit, but there was so much cabling and controller boxes that he just gave up on it and went with these.
They just don't look right on a classic car. Relays and new 7-inch sealed beam halogens should be plenty bright.
Expand into the H4 type housings and you can really increase the lumen output over top line sealed beams with all the other bulb options. Might not be legal.. but sure will be bright as hell. lol The biggest upside of LED is the longer life, severe service capability and lower current draw.