I have a 73 comet that's sat for a while. I'm looking to get it back on the road. One problem I'm having is that some of the tail lights don't work. I have brake lights when the headlights are off but when I turn them on they no longer come on and I have no running lights in the taillights themselves. I also have no reverse lights. The license plate light works and so do the yellow running lights on the sides of the car. Both turn signals work with headlights on and off. Also one of the wires for the left backup light is disconnected and I don't know if it would kill the other one as well as it is hooked up.
Agreed, when lights stop functioning with other lights switched on/off, it's almost always a ground issue.
If I remember, the ground wire for Comet tailights is on the truck support bracket, where the latch is attached, should be on the side, half way down? Secured with a sheet metal screw, would check the round lug/wire to see if corroded or ready to break off, then clean off corrosion and reattach.......... David