Well gang.... body progress. I've been hard at work on this bad boy and have not posted anything due to trying to hit the bench a little harder. I used Tamiya "rattle can" primer to put 'er in the primer stage: and after I let that all dry out I hit it with color (Tamiya Pure Red dispensed from the can and shot through the AB) the next day. Didn't have to do ANY sanding to the primer coat.
After the paint has dried...here's a couple of mock up shots. Stance is locked in. This is where it's gonna be.
love it...Stance is great. And I see that 427 cammer sitting in the shadows, its coming along nicely man.
'Preciate the comments Mav. It took ALOT to finally get the stance and look that I was after. I'll post photos of the in-progress engine soon.
Got the R/H side decaled up today and started on some of the bare metal foiling on the chrome trim and drip rails. This......was a JOB!!! I had to be VERY careful with the decals so as not to tear them and then after I got 'em in place I had to use multiple coats of Microsol ( a decal softening solution) to get them to lay down tightly to the body. And then AFTER all of that I noticed that I've still got to paint the roof white. Simply cannot believe I didn't notice that till this stage......wow.
You’ve been busy and it looks great! My only comment is on the chassis with the rear setup. Did the drag cars not have staggered shocks like the street versions? I noticed that detail seems missing from the original JoHan kit too.
Thanks for the comments Matt. Pro Street cars and Street Rods are my specialty just because I can do a ton of research on them. These Pro Stocks are new territory for me so there's going to be some minor inaccuracies on this one (not to mention a few liberties taken). I'll be doing my best to get 'er close though. And yes.....there's a TON of inaccurate stuff goin' on with the Jo-Han kits but.....they are pretty much the only Maverick models out there so beggars can't be choosers.
Thanks MD. I didn't have the black and white one so thank you for that. The bottom one was my wallpaper for a few weeks on the computer. Nice shot! Thanks for taggin' along.
Does anyone know the history of the hood scoop evolution? Also, more of the 4 link ( or whatever) is showing in the top photo. (LOL). Carry on!
You gonna make that hood scoop extension out of embossing metal? Would be icing on the cake. I hear ya on the decals. Those long spindly ones make me cringe too. Yeah gotta get the stripes on the roof. (I hate it when that happens) Still, too cool for school. Looks great.
I've been looking into that a little bit but haven't come up with anything on it yet history wise. At this point after putting as much work into attaining the proper stance I'm wondering if going back and tearing it all up again to get that part right would be worth it. I do have another Maverick build or possibly two in the works. I managed to pick this lil' 1/32 scale fella up a week or two ago. Try finding one of these.... It's the only one that I've ever seen for sale.
Thanks bud. I'll be using aluminum from a Diet Coke can for that one Mav. No worries on the white on the roof. White is a tough color to apply over red with no color bleed through but I think I can pull it all off and apply those "cals" to the roof.
While cutting the decals out there were some jagged edges that were present right above the front and rear wheel openings. If you look closely you can see them right above each wheel opening.... soooo.....I spent some time and applied some flat white paint to correct those areas. No worries...it'll all be glossy again after the clear coat.
check this place out... You may like what you see. They have a liberty shifter in P.E as well as a B&M Pro stick. http://futureattraction .com Look under the engine/trans parts heading.