Put a 302 in it (Behind the front seats) and make a wheel stander out of it.That would be too cool for school.
That was my wife today"Why are these black pipes laying on the kitchen floor" my response. "Their sub frame connectors" Her response "You bought what?"
Haven't figured that one out. Why would someone park a car that's like new and never drive it again? I guess it takes all kinds. Better jump on it!
i always thought m2's looked better than fox's myself. to me a fox stang doesnt carry any classic mustang styling
I'd buy it no questions asked. Then you could join the Pinto club. It think the president is here in Tulsa. That's why there were so many at the Tulsa Shelby meet. He's got a '74 with really low miles - like 1000 or something. It's orange and white two-tone with aluminum slots.