Thats' wild. But why would anyone want (or need) boost on top of boost? Couldn't enough boost be achieved with one blower?...
That guy lives near here. I've seen it in person and posted pictures of it before. Personally, I think it looks ridiculous.
I have seen a Twin Turbo plusTwin Super Charger car here in cincy. I didn't see the point either but whatever floats your boat.....
Well, one thing for's not "The next big thing".....more like "Old news", or "Been there, done that" .....back during the huge "Pro Street" trend in the 80's, there were double blowers, multiple turbos on big inch motors, basically, alot of "overblown" engine mods (anyone remember Rick Dobbertein"?.....the Godfather of Pro Street engine excess) IMHO, it looks as ridiculous now as I thought it did then,....only difference, back then, I was bucking the trend. Now cooler, more rational heads seem to prevail (with some very silly exceptions! LOL)