Oh come on give a guy a break ... Back in the early 90's when I was that Blue Maverick, That is just the picture I had in my mind of how my car looked to other people while I was putting those Mustang boys to shame in my Mighty Maverick. I left more than a couple Mustangs, Camaros, a firebird or two, a Saab 900 Turbo S, 1 351 Ford Lightning Pickup and a few other vehicles sitting in a cloud of dust when I was driving that Maverick. If time travel were possible that is one of the things I would do different, is go back and change the night I wrecked that car and take better car of it from that point on so I would still have it today.... Was the bestestest car I Ever Ever, Ever, owned and If I ever get rich I am gunna build another one just like it. Oh and as far as the side pipes are conserned No I didn't have them but man I always wanted Side Pipes on my Blue Maverick, but I knew at the time it would have just gotten me harrased by the police since they aren't legal in Maryland
Sidepipes aren't legal? Why? Thats very uncool and doesn't make sense. It can't possibly be because of the noise. I live 2 miles from a Harley shop on a twisty country road so I hear those damned bikes roaring by all the time with their ridiculous exhausts. It isn't right that motorcycles are allowed to be literally as loud as they want to be while I am forced to remain subdued. I feel my rights are being violated each time I hear a bike blasting my eardrums through foot long exhaust pipes that are essentially zoomies. I am offended that sidepipes would be illegal anywhere a Harley can be ridden.
Side Pipes aren't legal in Maryland "on a Maverick" because State Safety inspection regulations state the the exhaust pipe(s) must exit the car behind the rear most part passenger compartment. Keeps those nasty Carbon Monoxide fumes from putting you to sleep while you are driving down the road. So basically you can't have any exhaust system that dumps out in front of the rear seats. I am pretty sure that they are legal on Vans that don't have rear side windows and on pickup trucks were the side pipes would exit to the rear of the cab but on cars they aren't legal. Now if I had of put Historic or StreetRod Tags on it so it didn't have to go through inspection then I could have done it but then (tagged historic or streetrod) there are imposed limits on how much, when and where you can "legally" drive the car AND the police would still more than likely harrass the hell out of you.
They toy is a Johnny Lightning car that just recently Came out, the only problem is that it is part of a 10 pack of cars and in order to get the MAverick you either have to buy the whole set, OR find someone on Ebay selling the individual cars broke out of the set. I got mine on Ebay broke out of the set. I might look around in some of the toy stores in my area and see if I can find the whole set just to put it away and keep it unopened...
kinda looks like that Mad Maverick they had out in the 70s and redid in the early 2000s. Except they axed that extra engine in the back window. Robin