I've seen worse too, and its not just honda owners that do it...its just stupid people. IMO hondas get a bad wrap for being "ricers" when its really the people driving them that are "riced".
Seriously... WHY? What is the point in putting all that stupid crap all over your car. They can't seriously think it makes their car look better.. I've seen several riced out V6 Mustangs around here. I saw one yesterday that is was red with two big ugly white racing stripes. They were obviously just cut out of some cheap vinyl, looked terrible. There is also a dark green Mustang with those blue lights on the hood and side of the fenders, with Japanese symbols down the side of the car and a big stupid flying nun wing. Then there is a V6 convertible, an absolutely hideous shade of yellow, that must think the poorly fitted Cobra front bumper cover adds 100 horsepower or something, because he will race anything that moves.. All are the '94-'98 body style.
people do funny things. reminds me of years ago, before the big wings and body kits and all there was a red 80something camaro in town with curb feelers and a huge 2 foot tall wing screwed to 2x4s. He thought he was the coolest thing ever. funny
I remember in the early-mid 90's, the tiny wheels with rubber band tires that stuck a foot and a half out of the wheel well were the big thing with the import crowd. I was like 5 years old, and still remember seeing those stupid looking cars driving around.
Those were inspired from the west. Then some eastern guys and midwest guys got an They were just as stupid and proves as a whole stupidity can affect anybody.