bought one idle seems a whole lot different (better) time will tell. i guess carb cleaner wasnt the is better..................
Yes, it's true. I bet a guy at AZ when he tried to tell me that the only thing that could leak in my evap system was my gas cap. I now own a free new locking gas cap, but my light is still on.
free is good....................light on still sucks...........check engine light on drives me nuts............
Is that one of those "Master Alarm" check engine lights? If you wait too long to do a tune up (or the mechanic doesn't reset it) it comes on and stays on until you get it reset or (like the one I had) you by a new timer. I fixed it for next to nothing, Black electrical tape!
spoke to soon..........went to my kids school was in there for about an hour came out started the car an the damn thing started running like $hit for a second till i put it in drive and took off. it runs fine after lost and out 52.95..........
well took it to a buddys house to look the car all over check everthing including the idle problem. first the inner tierod was bad on drivers side so i told him to replace both sides so i dont have a problem later with the other side. that cost 120.00 for parts and lobor. he said he could not find the problem with the idle because it didnt do it for him. so i took it to firestone to get it aligned i can tell a big difference in handling before you put on the brakes and the steering wheel would shake now it doesnt. so my friend told me the plug wires were the originals (175000 miles) so i put new wire and plugs on it runs good no miss or idle problem. maybe its fixed this time, hell it only cost me about 320.00 guess thats not to
Evap systems are pretty easy to figure out unless you have a tiny leak.....then you need the all mighty smoke machine!!!!