HHO Generator - Save Gas

Discussion in 'Other Automotive Tech & Talk' started by Bubba Bob, Aug 2, 2008.

  1. Brad_West

    Brad_West Member

    Aug 26, 2008
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    Yikes...that is not good Bubba...sounds like you may have a bad battery cell as well.

    Just something I ran across...I know it is a newspaper article and from Surabaya, but it was intresting to me. I thought it was great that it was published in this fashion. So go ahead and rip it apart and say it is :bs:, it gives hope to everyone doing experements and actualy using it that it may become publicaly know that it does work.


    I have been doing research and found 90% of the diagrams and generators that you buy online don't work at all...they are almost all scams and produce little or no HHO gas. This is one thing that is vehicle specific and you have to do some trial and error to get it right.

    I am thinking of running the device off of friction. Kinda like how the Escape Hybrid charges it's battery off the brake system. Have a small battery then get its charge off the tires rotation and brake friction. This should be good enough to keep 20 to 30 amps of power going...may be an intresting experement.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2008
  2. Tilly

    Tilly Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    Hello Brad
    Can you describe the type of research you have performed that has finally lead you to come to this conclussion?
    I suspect that if you delve a bit deeper you will quickly raise that to 100%
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2008
  3. Brad_West

    Brad_West Member

    Aug 26, 2008
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    Probably Tilly. What I have done is try to mimic there devices as best as I can and see how they work. Now I can't get 100% of everything correct, but I get the same meat and potatos structure. Not all of the online documents are bad, but they don't give you all the information which is why I think they are a scam and the premade stuff off ebay I have tried 70% of what I received didn't even produce anything the others produced a good amount but one melted and a few others were above 30 amp draw after 20 minutes of running.

    Don't get me wrong I know the technology works but not in the documents and what is sold on ebay. I haven't tried all the devices sold yet, but like you said if I try them all they probably all suck.

    From my findings about HHO and vehciles you need to almost put all the documents together and use small parts out of all of them, just getting to that point is really hard though. Water4Gas's document is almost completely useless. They tell you almost nothing about the technology and just tell you how to assemble a device that produces almost no gas. SmackBoosters document is good and it explains how different things work and how different metals work, but nothing else can be used. There are a few others that I can't remember the names of but they talk more about the connection to the vehicle were the other two don't go that much into it.

    I have improved mine a bit and chenged where the connection to the engine is being made. Each vechile is different ofcourse and connection point will very, but you need to get the best generator for amp usage and find the best place to hook it in. I have bypassed almost all of my sensors and just inject it directly into the area right before each cylindar, still no more gane then what I have already, but now no sensor modifications needed. It kinda supprised me when I did it. When I moved it and left the sensor modifications on, my car sounded like crap so I removed it because I didn't know if any dammage was occuring.

    I can always count on you Tilly to try and get my goat somehow. I don't care if you poke fun at it..say whatever you want. You haven't tried it and I have. Your opinion is based off of what other people say and it doesn't matter if they are right or not it just fits with what you believe so you jump on board. On the other hand I am no different than the people you believe, it may work or it may not I am just talking about what I have seen and done rather than jumping on the religion wagon and following "experts" blindly.
  4. facelessnumber

    facelessnumber Drew Pittman

    Oct 4, 2007
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    I took the liberty of compiling a few documents from around the Internet which I believe are relevant to the topic at hand...












    That is all, you are welcome.
  5. Bum's_Steer

    Bum's_Steer Member

    May 11, 2005
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    Eww,....but ok...let me try to put Facelessnumber's pictorial comment into words! LOL

    Take all the different and varied scams through history,...and see how many ended up actually working with more research and development.

    There's a reason they are scams.

    Now, alot of people who get so enthusiastic about these "new technologies" try to explain off the question of why our greatest professional minds in the field aren't researching and developing it, or have tried and quit, to one of the classic excuses, like "The (A)government, (B) Big oil companies (C) the illuminati, men in black, aliens, etc. etc. want to hide the technology from us because they'd (A) go broke, (B) lose their power over us, (C) They're out to get me, etc. etc. and they get it to work, patent it, then hide it in a secret government wharehouse or corporate underground bunker right beside the permanent lightbulbs, the 350 mpg carburator and the cure for cancer".

    But, in simple rational reality, most the time it's just because a scam IS a scam, and it simply doesn't work, or it's alot of extra effort/cost/complications to get results you could equal or better in a much easier, cheaper, simpler tried and true way.

    Let's say after ALL this time consuming research and experimentation you do, you succeeed in making it work,...and increase your car's milage by what? 3-5 mpgs (you've said it worked for you,....what were your actual gains?) For it to be any kind of meaningful or useful, it would have to get results that far exceed what you could do by simply driving more efficiently, adjusting tire pressure, replacing a carb, cam, or rear gearing, or adding an overdrive.....ALL much simpler, easier and cheaper than years of handcrafting glass jars, contemplating the widths and thickness of wires and hoses, alternating currents, electrical draws, researching different exotic fluids, and burning out alternators and batteries for years at the cost of thousands for the same results you could get with a weekend, a couple of hundred $ of readily available, already tested and proven parts, and a set of tools.

    Last year, I took my old hot-rodded G-body Chevy wagon, and decided I needed to make it a more economical car for family use. It was getting about 11-15 mpg in town and hiway driving. I simply figured out what modifications would match and best work together, then, swapped out the intake and carb, changed the cam, installed an overdrive trans and changed the rearend gearing. The car still performs like a champ, is still a performance car, has no electrical or charging isssues, and now gets 19 mpg around town, 25+ hwy. My total cost was $300 and it took me about 20 hours over a 5 day period to complete.
    That's a 8-10+ mpg increase for $300 and 20 hours of work.

    How big was your increase, and what was the cost in time and money (so far) to get it?

    Last edited: Oct 3, 2008
  6. markso125

    markso125 Member

    Aug 19, 2007
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    I am starting to think mr Brad West is nothing more than
  7. Bubba Bob

    Bubba Bob Member

    Jun 11, 2007
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    And he is profiting from this how?

    You call him spam but not Tilly? :hmmm:

    I may not agree, but a difference of opinion is usually a good thing! :thumbs2:
  8. markso125

    markso125 Member

    Aug 19, 2007
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    Tilly tends to only respond when Brad West posts so therefore one is the cause and one is the effect. I am not saying that Tilly is not spam either but I think he would leave well enough alone if Brad would....Kind of weird almost seems like he must be following the guy. Almost makes you start wondering if something went sour between the two of them in the past...
  9. Bum's_Steer

    Bum's_Steer Member

    May 11, 2005
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    On another message board I frequent, we had a new member come in trying to sound like he was an average Joe, plugging another amazing new technology....then we got another new member who only commented, discussed and argued points with the other guy,...the first guy made great arguments, and proved his point against the other newbie over and over, despite the fact that several of our regulars stumped Mr. New Tech with their questions and challenges.

    Turned out, Mr. New Tech and his "opponent" were the same person....part of his con. Go in talking like what you're hyping is real, and make up an alter I'D to argue with and win over, thus giving the appearance of "proving" you and your product against the "nay-sayers and doubters"

    Like the old snake oil salesman who would go into a town and preach the miracles of their concoction.....and they'd have a partner come up posing as just another average person on the street, who would testify about how good the stuff works, or plays the "doubter" who the salesman convinces, then enthusastically "buys" the product, whipping the crowd up to also believe and buy.

    Not saying that's what's happening here....but it pays to beware and aware.

    This is the ONLY thread that both Brad West and Tilley have commented on.

    I do know that one of those guys pushing those "air turbines" that you stick on your carb or intake would spend hours searching discussion and message boards for ANY mention of the product, then go in as a member and hype it to high heaven, posing as "Just a guy who's tried it,....I'm not trying to sell something" etc, etc. They come off as "just a guy" because they're coming into a thread started by a REAL memeber who is just curious to find out if it's a scam or not.

    Brad West may not be selling anything here......but that doesn't mean he's not advertising and hyping something he IS selling elsewhere, or is going to later..."Brad West" might not be trying to sell something, but he could easily be "someone else" who IS....all it takes is a subtle hint or carefully placed link to get you to their alter ego.

    Sorry Brad....I'm not accusing you....just using you as an example.

    Again, I would like to hear what your actual results have been from all your intense and complicated research and effort. If all this "much ado" you've been making only gains you a few extra mpg, something you could easily and quickly do with a few readily available parts and a lot less $$.....HHO "technology" is just a total waste of time, effort and money. Simple as that
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2008
  10. bmcdaniel

    bmcdaniel Senile Member

    Jul 2, 2002
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    ^^^ Kinda like here with Sweethe's post #1?
  11. markso125

    markso125 Member

    Aug 19, 2007
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    Hey admins can we get this topic locked all we are getting on it anymore is:spam::bsod:
  12. Hawkco

    Hawkco Genuine Car Nut

    Jan 2, 2004
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    I believe the present economy may be proof positive that this "great idea that only a few know about" is not fully realistic. With the American car manufacturers losing their shirts because of no sales, J. D. Power predicting 2009 American auto sales will be down another 19% from the 2008 figures, and gas prices what they are, don't you think Ford, especially, would have a water run vechicle out now? I mean from what you proponents are saying, it can be done cheaply. Don't you think Ford would love to have an 80 mpg vehicle right now. It would be the salvation of thier company...and maybe our economy in part. You can yell conspiracy, but when one sector of conspirators are about to lose it, they quit conspiring with the others. Funny thing about conspirators and criminals, it always boils to each man for him self.
  13. markso125

    markso125 Member

    Aug 19, 2007
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    1972 maverick 2 door LDO
    well said:bowdown::thumbs2:
  14. facelessnumber

    facelessnumber Drew Pittman

    Oct 4, 2007
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    '71 Grabber
    Oh sweet mother of....:banghead:

  15. Acornridgeman

    Acornridgeman MCCI Wisconsin State Rep Moderator Supporting Member

    Apr 30, 2004
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    I don't think this thread needs to be locked - just use the [​IMG] button found in the lower left corner of every post to alert us to spam (like sweethe) posts.
    We will read them and ban them (like sweethe) as needed .......... (y)

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