If that thing was local, I would buy it just for the hell of it. Kinda cool looking, definitely original. A sure-head-turner...
no kidding. Ide buy it...i have the money but the whole 4 cylinder/propane thing actually turns me off.
Actually Ford had a Capri back in the early 60s. It was an English Ford. I had one of them. 1963 vintage.
a while ago someone posted up a a maverick in the auction section that had an i6 that could be switched between propane and gas i believe. anyone else remember this car?
i posted that...it was in washington somewhere here i think. after i posted that add i had several pm's coming to me asking if i still had the car and it wasn't ever mine anyway lol
heres the thread... http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=41561&highlight=propane no pics but coop checked it out and gave us the info on it in page 2
Back around 1981, there was a Ford Capri in the area with a 289, 4 spd., in it. Many had a V6. I think a 2.8L.
I'm glad you don't also... cuz you would have just wasted your money also like the rest of us. Glad Stefan is a nice guy and let's us talk about all sorts of junk. I just now noticed this was in the General Maverick/Comet section also. Kinda looks like a maverick. This should have been in Off top or other automotive section