Enjoy it while you can folks... The Federal Reserve lowered interest rates today. Lower rates = lower Dollar value = higher fuel prices. Such is the price for socialism... Hyperinflation is only another bailout away.
so far, we havent seen anything below $1.90 around these parts and that was the last time i was in Lexington, Ky. here at home it hasnt dropped below, 1.99 but im not complaining
5:00 PM news here just said it is in the $1.50s in some rural mid-west stations! Another .50c drop, and it will be where it should have stayed all along IMO.
I still bet the diesel owners aren't compalining though. Long ways down from $5.00 per gallon a few weeks ago.
It makes no sense to me. Diesel is cheaper to refine and it costs more to buy! My truck is a diesel and it was killing me there for a while. It's down to $2.70 but gas is at 2.30. I have got to get rid of this truck. I don't need a truck like this anymore anyway. I was doing a lot of towing, but now I drive around in a big empty dually. I wish I had the room and the energy to make my own WVO fuel.
weird how that works..... when the government see's a big demand for something the price automaticly starts going up...
The diesel being more expensive than gas is a recent thing. Within the last 2 years or so. I believe that the govt and oil companies know that high gas prices pi$$ off 'the people' and they try to get away with tricks there when they can, but the diesel fuel powers the country and business can't get along without it, so they are hostages to whatever they choose to charge and can't get pi$$y about it.
Diesel is no longer just a by product of creating gasoline. It's MUCH cleaner, and harder to refine. Plus, you pay more in taxes for it. Thank the tree huggers for pushing this "ultra low sulfer" junk. And thank the tree huggers in washington for the "dirty tax" on diesel, even after forcing the ultra clean junk down out throats.