Tony, My Pinto Sprint is actually in excellent condition. Engine runs like a sewing machine, holds good oil pressure, runs cool. The interior is in great shape with the seat material complete with only one small splint at the seam of one of the seats. Color of the material good, especially considering the age. Dash is perfect. Side panels are in good shape. The only thing the interior needs is new carpet, which I will replace someday. I added a Must.II console, looks like it should have been there. There was surface rust on the underside, but no major problems. Pretty clean car. Couple of small bubbles on the bottom, that's about it. Paint is ok, but I will also correct that someday. Cleaned up good. Good car for the money. Yeah, Brian should have bought it. Your deal, however, is outstanding! I wish mine was a manual. It would be more fun. Congrats, again. Jim
Hey coutangman, Your Sprint sounds better than Brian described. Would be cool to have them together at the same show someday!!
Hey Pintony: What's up? Miss you out on the Pinto group, though I find this group far more interesting/active/helpful/etc. Have you been watching the progress on my wagon? Big changes this winter - it goes into a shop tomorrow night for several months, out of the weather where I can get some REAL work done. Hope all is well your way, good to see you posting. Chris
There is another pinto sprint for sale in FL right now for $1200 i wish i had the cash and it would be mine!
I looked at a sprint in daytona a few years back. Was the worst Pinto I ever saw for rust. BE CAUTIOUS GET PHOTOS before investing money in a trip to see this Pinto. The seller of the pinto I saw was in a trailer park and had covered the GIANT rust holes with masking tape and painted the tape with house paint and had a really crapy photo. The seller also OUT-RIGHT lied about the car and said it had solid floor pans. There were NO floor pans. This Pinto was so RUSTY I would not have taken it if it were FREE because my van gets less MPG with a load. OH, and I am not in the junk hauling buisiness. The seller asked me to sell him some parts and I said NOT FOR THAT PINTO. JUNK was too kind for that Pinto...
He said it hasnt been for sale in the last 20 years Ray go to and click on purchase your pinto its the 2nd post
Pintony, The ad says it is in Daytona. It also says it has a 2.0 and a 4 speed with a sunroof. Does this sound like the one you were referring to from the past? Jim
The guy in florida TOLD ME that his Pinto had perfect floor pans. There were NO FLOOR PANS. Like I said GET PHOTOS!!!!! To Countangman, ALL the sprints had the 2.0 engine. I can not say on the sunroof???? I seem to remember one but can not say for sure... GET PHOTOS!!!!!
Hello Jim, I have 2 Pintos with the vin code X 2.0L with the 4 wheel drum brakes. Your statement is true but only after FEB-MAR 1971 After this time the 2.0L was only available with front disc. Hope this helps. From Pintony