I just got back from the current display at the Henry Ford Museum, and I have to say I loved it! It really was not that spectacular, as it was just a bunch of cars with the hood up. Sort of a car show at the museum if you will. What made it so awesome to me is that Ive been going there regularly for the better part of 30 years now and have never once seen a single hood open. The show runs to the end of the month, so since its still going Ill only post a couple teaser pics for you guys, but I took pictures of every car that had the hood open, and more of the good ones. Heres a link for those that may want to check it out: http://www.thehenryford.org/events/engines.aspx And heres a couple teasers for the rest of you... I have over a hundred pics that Ill load at the end of the month, so check back to see what you missed!
I love Flat Heads!!! I want one with glass on top for a table in the living room but keep getting shot down on the idea. Looking forwards to the rest of the pics, not much chance I'll see it in person.
Heres the rest of my photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/17971010@N06/sets/72157623087482177/ I found someone else that took pics too. Not sure if I know this person or not, but thought Id throw it in since its the same subject. http://www.flickr.com/photos/mlavander/sets/72157623213808335/