The following demonstration takes place on a 1971 Ford Pinto, however the tools and methods outlined here can apply to virtually any automobile. When armed with the knowledge you will obtain here, the next time your mother-in-law's car needs a clutch, you will be ready. Step 1: Move the vehicle to a suitable work area. A kudzu jungle is not ideal. Step 2: Carefully position the vehicle for optimal access to the flywheel. If a rotisserie is not available, earth moving equipment may be substituted. Step 3: Obtain the correct tools. Always remember, using the right tool for the job makes any project safer, easier and more enjoyable. Step 4: Gently peel away any piece of the vehicle that is not a flywheel. Pro Tip: It helps to have a little captain in you. Step 5: Take a step back and admire your work. Congratulations, you are now a junior mechanic! You can save thousands of dollars by making simple automotive repairs yourself! Step 6: Clean up your work area! Step 7: Installation is reverse of removal.