Anyone know anything about CB radios with/without PA systems? I've been thinking about putting one with a PA on my car and a buddy of mine is going to do the same thing. I was curious as to what we'd need to do this.
What about the antenae (don't know the technical name) to get CB range? My friend currently has no range on his
yup, you will need one. cb specific, usually has a flat metal piece that bolts to a fender bolt, then slips up threw the gap in between the fender and hood. the range is not too far, but usually 1 or 2 kilometers (not quite a mile)(sorry, i am from Canada) but it is fun to hear the trucker chatter.
Could we get amps that up the wattage to get more range? Sorry about all the questions btw. We just really want to have radio communications across town
Yes - Although this is illegal and not simple to set up. Search Google for SWR and what not and start reading. Need to know the basics of grounding, tuning, etc
PAs' are illegal in some areas like N.Y. A linear amp used to be the bomb to up output. Dont know whats the bomb now. Firestick antenna used to be pretty darn good too. mojo is into ham radios...Perhaps he could shed some light for you...Good luck!!!
Here's a few facts: You will need a cb antenna for a cb radio to receive or transmit. It must be matched to the radio with a SWR meter or you stand the chance of burning up the radio. Linear amps are illegal in the US to connect to a cb radio, but are allowed on some ham radios. Nevertheless, lots of people run amps and radios that have been "peaked and tuned" to get the max power from them. Depending on weather and landscape, you can talk up to about 5-6 miles on a stock radio on a quiet channel, but don't expect that on a busy channel like 19 or in real hilly country. Your range then may not even be one mile even under perfect conditions. Your best bet would be find a radio shop, most are near truck stops, and go in and talk to the guys in there. They will be able to set you up with a radio and antenna that will fit your usage. You would not have to have an antenna if all you were going to do was run a PA speaker, it runs on a separate circuit from the radio transceiver. Any more questions that I can answer, just ask. I've had a cb since 1976, when you still had to have a license to operate.
Used to be able to replace the final stage output transistor to boost more power. Course I am probably showing my age with that knowledge.
you will also have to watch nascar on the weekend, beat the wife, kick the dog all while wearing a sleeveless t-shirt and find someone named billy-bob to assist. All should go fairly easy after that I have seen it done before all kidding aside like most old folk yes me included they have a place in life and an excellent communication device on trips, truckers know where all the smokeys are and traffic problems. 10-4 good buddy...
If he's got no range, then likely the SWR's haven't been set. SWR = "Standing Wave Ratio" if this isn't set right, you'll burn up a radio in no time. I use "Fire Stick" Antennnas and have for 30 years. Wilson Antennas are also good. My current radio is a 20 year old Cobra 29LTD that was "peaked and tuned" by a local radio guy. Boosting the power via a "linear" is a waste of money. One that's been peaked and tuned is all you'll ever need.
I guess you've noticed noone talks to you either do they ? Go around calling truckers "good buddy" will get you into a fight pronto. Very few of us still use the CB, those that do are few and far between. Most of the "old hands" who used a CB have been off the road for some time.