Gas prices have always been rollercoasteresque(yep new word), haven't they? I mean oil companies and politicians give the usual remarks about (insert random country) is affecting the prices because of blah blah blah.. I bet it'll go back down to $3.20 at the end of the summer...
Seems "funny" it gets jacked up right around "bike week"! Lets see,It's Libya's fault this time! I don't see why we just don't use our own fuel,and quit playing these games with the foreign suppliers!
From what I understand we get our oil from Canada, Mexico and South America - if that is the case, what does anything that happens over there have anything to do with our gas prices? The big problem is the system that is created for the wealty on wall street to continue to make their oil money no matter what happens. Let's say a truck goes over a cliff carrying 15 barrels of crude, let's say somewhere in (fill in the blank - it really doesn't matter where) and the media says the it "might" have been an act of terrorism or it "could" have been a bomb or it "looks like" it was caused by a mud slide causing the spectulators to "fear" that there may be more mud slides which in turn could put a "worry" to the global oil markets, then add all of this to the price of tea in China and you have spiking gasoline prices in a little town called Balmbag, Pennsylvania See how easy it is to explain - now who believes this crap?
lol,, they should round up all the speculators and lock them in a room some where.... Or go back to when they could only bid out 2 months... They are one of the biggest reasons prices are what they are.... And open up drilling in the good ole USA again.. lift the drilling ban NOW !
It's all a rip off, we've got more oil in Canada than most Opec countries...Someones building a super highway in the middle of the desert with our money. We produce almost twice as much oil per day, than Libya does....
Dave, That would be a new motorplex in Abudabi (?) It's located in the sand pit just past Ali's used camel lot.
Well, I hate to say it but the price of gas has gotten to the point now where I can no longer afford to drive my Maverick. I am both extremley sad and furious as hell over this crap. I have to pinch every penny within an inch of it's life just to be able to put gas in my every day car, so filling the Maverick with gas is out of the question. My biggest concern now is the amount of work my husband and I are getting. We were doing pretty good for a while but now it has gone down to nothing. People are being squeezed so hard by rising fuel prices and everything else related to it that our customers are putting off having thier cars worked on now. Not that I can blame them, but it is literaly killing us. That is something the greedy speculators at Wall Street just don't seen to get. They run up the price of oil and everything else goes with it. The little guy is forced to tighten thier belts to the point were it's strangling them to death. There is absolutley NO reason for the price of oil to be as high as it is. None. There is NO oil shortage anywhere to require jacking up the prices. It's all based on unfounded fear and rampart greed and we are the ones paying the price. We should all be as mad as hell and not taking it anymore. It would be so cool if a couple hundred thousand people were to march on Wall Street and Washington and let every speculator and politician know just how serious this problem is. Too bad nobody can afford the freaking gas to get there. OK. I'll get off my platform now.
I think there's a little more to it than just greed alone, I've been doing alot of reading on this lately. Did you know the US has one of the lowest gas prices in the world (artificially kept low), for the amount of consumption? Sure some countries have cheaper gas, but they use no where near the amount of oil monthly, as the USA does in one day? Things are getting out of hand, and it's going to get worse, way worse....... I know myself, I've decided to cut all my travel/car show plans this summer, The Round Up will be the only show we go to this year, since it's only 2 hours away.
If it goes any higher I'll have to think about next year. This year is already planned for. I just took Ruth's Comet GT over to the restoration shop for some rust repair. Then I'll start on the undercarriage myself to save some money and do it as I can afford to. The engine and tranny also went into shops this week.
I saw a chart a couple years back that showed that the higher prices paid in other countries were due to taxes and that we in the US actually were paying the highest prices for the gasoline itself.
4.09 for regular 87 gas. I am in a city that is 45 mins away from Chicago il and gas is 4.09 a gal. At this rate the maverick will sit in the garage for a while I might have to convert the maverick to hydrogen just to enjoy it once again
If you removed the tax per liter (@30.1/L), of the gas prices I just saw (1.33/L), and converted that to US Gallons, we would be paying $3.89/gallon, before any taxes right now. Just checking quickly, Michigan is hovering around $3.96/gallon with state taxes, which is (.91/G) so that would take it down to $3.05/Gallon. Now, this is just quick figures. I'm sure I could get it down to the details, with more time.
Another factor is the weak dollar on the world currency. Oil is sold worldwide and the price is based on the U.S. Dollar. As the value of the dollar decreases on the world market, then the price of oil goes up. Jean....have you ever advertised your paint/restoration business? Around here....NOBODY will paint cars anymore. I would think with some ads on Craig's List, or in your local "thrifty nickle / Wheels & Deals" type of would have some business.