Just what you need to pull your Comet to shows or the track... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1966...853?pt=Salvage_Parts_Cars&hash=item3f09ccbb2d
If it was near me........... My wife would be very mad Thats a cool wagon and deserves to be on the road again.
I would love that car! I've been wanting a wagon with 3rd row seating for years... ...alas, it's not worth dying for. My wife would kill me!
Ya but it says the frame rails and torque boxes are rusted out. Still would be a cool project if you have the skills to fix it up. And you wont have to hunt down many parts because its all there and looks in good shape except for what they say about the rust underneath.
I hope the parts are easy to find, because 66 falcon parts are not! And when they're available there not cheap. Looks like it has the same interior as the falcon.