My brother in law is stripping down a '56 Ford F-100 for paint and this was on the firewall. Can anyone tell me what it is and what it's purpose was? Thanks, CommieHook
That was my first though too. I use to work on electric forklifts back in the early 70's and the older 24 volt lifts had resistors.
My first vehicle was a '56 ford truck 272 v8.Had it from 1974-1992.Sold it to help me out while building my current house..regrets..Oh well.Anyways,it did not have one of those,nor did my friend's truck,which was a '56 ford 312cid.Never seen one of those.
Flux capacitor, pasta roller, agitator - funny stuff! Agree, some kind of big old resistor. Figured it wasn't stock, just not sure what it went to. Thanks guys! CommieHook