I'm gonna let it rust some more....really digging the rust look... gotta strip the paint off the truck bed...
I wanted to make it the shop truck but the guys didn't think it was a good idea so it's become more of a personal project. it's great because I'm going to use it as a surf mobile.
the suspension is kind of a mess....just needs a lot of attention to the details.... so the pitman arm isn't properly attached to the drag link... we might either use a heim joint or get the proper tie rod end...
the front suspension is a quarter eliptical setup... attached to the front part of the frame and then attaches to the I-beam... on the top there is an adjustable heim joint probably to adjust caster... whoever had this thing welded on a bracket that attaches to the I-beam and has a spacer on the heim joint...is this safe? I'm thinking of taking it apart and rewelding the bracket on there....
I removed the tie rod and going to get a nice thick one that I can put a heim into ....this current one has the toe out and can't be adjusted down because it's bottomed out... will get as close as possible on the next tie rod.... the bolt is too small for the hole, will need larger bolts too...
Bry looked over the drive shaft and said it's a mess... welded incorrectly... gonna get that fixed at the drive line shop...
we gonna work on the rear end also... the ladder bars apparently are going in at an angle and are supposed to be more paralleled with the frame.... there is this whole tubular convoluted setup but we think we can do away with some of it perhaps... you can see the ladder bars focusing in on a point under the cab also the bar above the rear end is bottomed out on the top of the housing... will build a new one and move it further upward
tail lights and turn signals and brake lights will be all controlled by these trailer lights, hope it works...