Here is an auction for a collection of cars based on the Dukes of Hazzrad show. The collection is not close replica of the cars, but cool non the less.
To me, I think the General Lee replica's are back in style. There was a time when I thought they were corny. But now, I would love to own, drive and be seen driving that General Lee .
I've always liked the 68-69 Dodge Chargers. IMHO, I think the 69s have been "Generaled" out. I've seen at least a dozen of them at car shows. Almost everyone who has or wants a 69 Charger wants to make a General Lee. I always wanted to do that when I was younger, but it's just not an original idea anymore. I've always preferred the 68 Charger anyway. But don't get me wrong, I'd love to drive a General Lee! And I have to say, the price for all those fine automobiles is actually fairly reasonable!!