Hey fellow Mav/Comet owners,just posting a picture of the new(to me)wheels on my 72 comet gt and was wondering what your thoughts were on em?also ima need higher tires front and back on these so what do y'all recommend?fronts are 14x7 and backs 15x12-14ish https://photos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/s720x720/549800_476562262397580_2048476300_n.jpg?dl=1
Paint the rims to match the body with a polished lip and chrome lugnuts....? I would just buy some other new style rims
You asked. Those rear wheels are WAAAAY to wide for a Maverick/Comet. While they might have looked cool back in the 1970's, they are way out of fashion now. Plus, more importantly....if you have air shocks on the back in order to clear those huge meats, you are asking for trouble. Eventually something will (I didn't say might) break and those huge tires are going to destroy a rear quarter panel or two. You asked.
It is leaf spring rear end fully stock other than some small shackles but it clears fine with no problems,I really do like the look and FEEL of these,I do appreciate the heads up though,Craig. I'll get some more shots of it in a few and post em around 3-4ish Cali time.
i wouldnt say they are out of fashion im 17 and think they look pretty cool i like the stance makes it look real mean.
Like I said I have some small shackles on the back which you can see in these photos https://fbcdn-photos-a.akamaihd.net...0/580871_481694105217729_620032043_n.jpg?dl=1 https://fbcdn-photos-a.akamaihd.net...20/208697_481694148551058_85654762_n.jpg?dl=1 https://fbcdn-photos-a.akamaihd.net...0/562752_481694171884389_956490232_n.jpg?dl=1
They do scrub a bit on turns over 40 so I added spacers(1/4) but then they tires would get cut on the fenders.i could solve the problem by dealing with the scrubbing and not turning over 40mph or by rOlling the fenders and adding the spacers,what do y'all recommend?
Personally, I love them as I have 4 1/2 sets of 200s wheels but, sorry, the shackles have to go. If you want to keep it at that height I would add 2" Add-A-Leafs to the rear spring packs. On my 1st Maverick I used leafs from a '64 Galaxie wagon to raise the rear. Granted it will ride like a truck but you won't have to be concerned about problems with the shackles. Also, as noted, and from personal experience, air shocks WILL blow out your upper shock mounts. When you get centers, get in touch with Craig Selvey and get some Maverick center emblems . Bruce