I stumbled across this the other night and did bid on it but fell asleep at the wheel and it went for $0.50 above my max bid. I have never seen one of these before and was wondering if it was an actual Ford Thing??? Not sure on the "Newsweek" deal. http://www.ebay.com/itm/ORIGINAL-19...d=100020&prg=1187&rk=2&rkt=2&sd=161185953250&
That is probably the date it came out in Newsweek??? I have one of the gold bars as pictured. Heck.....I have one of just about everything Maverick.
It only had one bid on it at $9.99. I bid the required $10.49 and was the highest bidder with an hour left, then increased my maximum bid to $17.50. I went out to the garage about an hour before the auction ended and lost track of time! When I came back, it had sold for $18.00. I thought I had my bases covered. The same seller also had a 1979 Pinto paper weight, and I missed out on it too. It's probably all for the best anyway, as purchases such as these often have a very low WAF (Wife Approval Factor).
The back of the bar has a disclaimer stating that it is made out of lead and just a replica. It also states that IF it were gold, it would be worth $530-ish dollars (in 1969). LOL I doubt anyone will be melting it down...
I had a feeling. I had a box of gold bar paper weights like that I got from a garage sale when I was a kid. Some other kids collection from family vacations. Made great props for my GI Joes.