Unethical Buying and Selling for Profit

Discussion in 'General Maverick/Comet' started by Cruzin Illusion, Apr 2, 2016.

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  1. Cruzin Illusion

    Cruzin Illusion Enigma

    Feb 3, 2008
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    1972 Grabber
    I have noticed the buying and selling for profit on this forum. It drives me nuts when someone offers something on here for a good price and it is snatched to only be sold later at a profit. I have also have saw people purchasing cars that are running driving cars a part them out. I understanding that parting out some of these cars are necessary but good restorable cars is not ok in my opinion.

    I cannot stand that members take advantage of others on here. If you are not going to use the part pass it on to others. I am tired of seeing these go on continuously. I have called some out and will continue too. For new members watch and do your research before dropping $800 on a hood.

    Don't support the unethical behaviors of others and they will not continue to be able to sell at these crazy high prices.
  2. mav man

    mav man Member

    May 19, 2005
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    Actually 800$ for a good rust free hood is well worth it for a factory part that is all there and in good shape and for a local buyer.you will have more than that into a repop hood with the shipping and then on top of it you still can't finish it because it's missing parts.and on top of it at the end of the day you are giving money to the tiwain working people across seas instead of the American people. On top of all of that I do see you're point though but market and demand dictates price.alot of the times when someone is complaining about a high price it's actually not that far off, its usually well worth it.alot of people must be stuck in the 60s and 70s when you could go and buy a entire running and driving car in good shape for 40$ you just have to get a grip and come back to reality these parts don't just grow on trees anymore.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2016

    OLD GOOSE Member

    May 10, 2011
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    It is called Capitalism the American way of life buy low sell high I agree cars shouldn't be parted out for profit but it is a matter of supply and demand you can get more out of an old Harley in parts than what a lot of them are worth also driving the prices up higher and if someone wants to pay a big price we are all adults they don't have too unless they want it bad I don't complain when I sell a part for a high price but I do when I buy it for a high price. I won't pass parts on out of the goodness of my heart anymore either money makes the world go round and it takes a small fortune just to survive.
    HarleyGA likes this.

    OLD GOOSE Member

    May 10, 2011
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    The internet is always higher than real world prices if you want a good deal find a Maverick in a junkyard or a field somewhere they are still out there
  5. yellow75

    yellow75 MCCI Oregon State Rep Supporting Member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    It is up to the individual to pay the price for the part. As of today I have had 54 Mavericks and Comets at my property 5 of which I sold as a complete cars at no profit just so someone else could have one I could have parted them and made a couple thousand dollars profit. Of the other 49 one I kept for myself and the others were deemed not eligible for reconstruction in my eyes I am sure others would have loved to have them but there is no market for them in my area. I have sold most of the parts on ebay because that is the best bang for the buck, I have sold several parts on this forum at very decent prices as well I also try to inform others of cars and parts that are for sale.

    Cruizin I understand your point of view on this subject and while it may be morally wrong in your eyes if a person has a car and cant sell it then he has no recourse except to part it out, as for gouging it isnt gouging if a person wants and buys it. I have seen only one instance that I felt was a bad choice but understand why it was done for some people it is a method to accomplish something on a limited budget as of which I fall into this category.
  6. Cruzin Illusion

    Cruzin Illusion Enigma

    Feb 3, 2008
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    1972 Grabber
    What I am saying is if you are not going to put it on your car than just pass on the part so someone else can get the deal. There are sharks on here that wait for the deal and pounce on it just to sell it again for profit.

    There is a reason why many leave this site and go elsewhere.
    Paul Masson and Crazy Larry like this.
  7. Maverocket

    Maverocket Bob Williams

    Jun 27, 2012
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    There is a reason why many leave this site and go elsewhere.[/QUOTE]
    I don't know of another Mav/Comet forum with more respectable members than this one. There will always be people who exploit the system for profit.
  8. Red1972Grabber

    Red1972Grabber Hangtown Hot Rods-NorCal

    Oct 22, 2010
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    1972 Maverick Grabber, 2001 Mustang SVT Cobra Convertible, 1989 Toyota Pick-Up Truck(daily driver)
    Nothing unethical about it. For all you know that is what someone does to pay the bills. I'd rather see that then someone standing on the corner with a sign and their hand out. As one other member already pointed out, he sells on ebay because there is more bang for the buck there and other members don't sell on here anymore because some members are always complaining about the prices. They're not interested in buying the part, but find it necessary to chime in anyway and tell people that they're prices are too high. If someone is willing to pay the price and both the seller and buyer are happy then it's none of anyone else's business. Just because you believe a certain way doesn't mean everyone else does. I'd rather pay $800 for a factory Grabber hood in good shape then pay $800+ for a re-pop made overseas. I also think that the few guys on here that are known for selling parts have helped out hundreds(if not more) of people by purchasing cars and being able to part them out. Just my opinion.:)
    HarleyGA, mcknight77 and mav man like this.
  9. groberts101

    groberts101 Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    I am also passionate and highly nostalgic about old cars in general myself, but at the end of the day much of what these guys are saying above is as accurate and honest an answer as you'll ever get on the matter. And it applies to much more than just these cars alone.

    Exploitation and self serving greed are just a few of the bad things that go hand in hand with capitalism but they also exist elsewhere where capitalism is completely non existent as well so it could very well be much much worse in the scheme of things. It is human nature for us all and many are even learned or hard wired to take advantage of family members when it can more quickly further their own basic wants, needs, and wishes. Basically, not everyone wants to sit around sharing good feelings while singing kumbayah at the campfire together. Some will be far more content just to be able to sell you the chairs and the firewood without much regard to destroying the forest in the process. The way it's always been.

    The other thing to keep in mind is that these particular cars were originally intended to be "cheap economy cars for the masses". Not rare limited edition highly sought after collectibles like some of the other more desirable models are. The sheer production numbers alone gives us larger quantities of survivors and usable parts cars but without the higher restoration demand that the more popular models have so they become somewhat disposable. So, the prices on complete cars stay much below that of the overall value of a car strictly being harvested for individual parts which are not being reproduced yet. The reality is that this is not a "rich mans car" and many people restoring them can't or prefer not to afford whole cars just to gain a few needed parts, or to seek them out farther away from their own zip codes, or simply have no room for whole cars even if they do find one locally. So they create bigger markets for the most desirable parts and the cars get harvested to meet the demand for cheaper restorations(comparatively speaking of course). And from there we gain a greater number of "venture capitalists" flying overhead of the situation. I've been around junk yards much of my life and they are exactly the same type of breeding grounds.

    The ONLY thing that will really slow them down is when the restoration demand increases to the point that the aftermarket takes greater notice and jumps in to get their own piece of the pie. Then the available pieces of the pie will eventually get much smaller and the time to hoard and part them out will not be worth the end effort. It is an extremely slow process and this has happened repeatedly to just about every mainstream collectible car out there. Then the ones hoarding many of those parts watch their assets start to dwindle away as if they had bought into some bad stocks. And though I must admit that it's rather petty.. I myself take some small amount of enjoyment in those greedy and exploitative types losing a big chunk out of their proverbial asses when such things happen. The smarter ones will jump out quick and sell, sell, sell but the greedier ones will hold on longer to a failing investment. I prefer to either call that.. karma.. or, what goes around comes around. Also like that old saying.. live by the sword.. die by the sword.

    PS. by the same token, one could also say that it's blasphemous or unethical to turn these cars into dedicated track cars by chopping them all to hell with little concern for someone else who may actually want to restore that same car many years later. The very nature of buying and owning and especially restoring any car is very much a self serving act. I would be hypocritical to not admit being within that category myself. I've always liked these cars since I was a kid but in the end it will get harvested for my own self serving means. So, whether it gets parted out and crushed.. or modified far beyond the possibility of future restoration.. the car has basically been destroyed in the process. Most of us live for the here and now and I'm ok with that because life is far too short. Right or wrong, it is what it is and probably always will be.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2016
  10. junrai

    junrai Member

    Dec 26, 2011
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    :biglaugh: not getting the angry mob replies you expected with this post :rofl2:
    mav man likes this.
  11. junrai

    junrai Member

    Dec 26, 2011
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    mcknight77 likes this.
  12. Matterick

    Matterick Matt Somerville

    May 12, 2007
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    Are we talking about the guy that says he has some leftover parts from a restoration to sell off? But is constantly buying parts. I see them advertising on washington craigslist even though it's a different state.
    Cruzin Illusion likes this.
  13. Cruzin Illusion

    Cruzin Illusion Enigma

    Feb 3, 2008
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    1972 Grabber
    I wasn't expect an angry mob like your suggesting. I was simply making people aware of certain people's practices so they are educated about what is going on. If they want to pay over the top prices from those sellers that is their prerogative.

    Yes you are one of those people. In my opinion you are pretty much a bottom feeder. I am still waiting to see you man up and call me out publicly. Violence seems to be your way of settling things. A word of advice you should be careful on who and how you speak to people. One day someone might take you up on your threats.

    As for you list of great buyer feedback that is great. But like I said before I am just letting the masses know what some doing. Have fun with the 5 front valances you just bought. I am still wondering what 5 cars you need them for. I promise they won't be resold at the $50 a piece you bought them at.
    Crazy Larry likes this.
  14. Acornridgeman

    Acornridgeman MCCI Wisconsin State Rep Moderator Supporting Member

    Apr 30, 2004
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    There are no rules about buying something and to resell it for profit. As a seller myself, when I have had multiple of the same item to offer I have limited the number sold to one person just to try and spread the parts around to guys that needed them. But that was my choice to do that - not a requirement of the forum.

    I can appreciate when forum members watch out for bad deals and report them. That is one of the reasons that Stefan requires prices in all ads. But do not make a mountain out of a mole hill because you do not like someone. As long as no rules are broken, buying and selling is between the 2 people in the deal and nobody else.

    In the most recent reported thread of the front valances - maybe the seller is extremely happy to have one person buying most of the items in one shot. Maybe getting rid of these as a group allowed them to pay bills, not have to make 6 trips to the greyhound station, not have to listen to a wife complaining about that "junk" laying around the house anymore (been there on this one) - :cool: - maybe it just made his life better having them sold. SO who are we to criticize the buyer regardless of their motive. The seller sets the price and agrees to the deal and if they are happy and all forum rules are followed, we here at the MMB are happy.

    :deadhorse: - Enough already.
  15. Rick

    Rick G8I operations

    Oct 27, 2006
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    We all have a choice and yes some are taking advantage of the community forums for the purpose of commercial purchasing and resale for profit. Most of us that have been here for a while know who these people are, some of us prefer to sell to private parties or even pay it forward.
    While their business does provide a service for some one looking to unload or needing a part quick it would be nice to see those who profit from the forum community contribute more to support Stefan and the heavy cost associated with the forums. After all it's making them money, they could even have a banner.
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