new car craft magazine has the schedule for the 2003 ffw. 1st annual pacific ffw at los angeles county raceway, palmdale, cal. on nov 1-2 and 1st annual valley of the sun ffw, firebird raceway, chandler, az. on nov 22-23. hope to get to both of them. any one else planning on going? maybe we can get a group together.
Don! You made my weekend! I will definately be there come hell or highwater! This is so great. If we want to organize something I live in Lancaster, CA so I am willing to do whatever to make sure that some Maverick people come to LACR! If someone is organizing this please let me know, since I am local I can help out with getting hotels, arranging to meet up somewhere before the show, anything! Finally a big show near me! Jeri
Yahoo... i too am in lancaster..(lancaster, palmdale, quartz hill, ect. all in this valley).. looks like we may not have to drive too far jerilyn, and my mav oughtta be up and runnin good by then.,.