For my 351w install I have: Maverick v8 frame mounts 302 motor mounts But it seems that the frame mount holes for the passenger side wont line up, Has anyone else had this problem...or a problem were the motor mounts or frame mounts had to be fabricated.
But I've notice on the frame mounts, one of them says "R" and the other doesn't say anything...but can't they be used for either side. I'm still having the same alignment issues, I've flipped these frame mounts so many ways and the passenger side is still off.
Well from what I see, the only difference in frame mounts is one saying "R" and the other just being plain. But even If I reverse the frame mounts the passenger side bolt holes will still be off centered. The motors from what I'm told can work for either side of the motor.
the one with the 'R' should be on the passenger side. i had this problem once and come to find out, i had the wrong motor mounts. one was just a hair off which threw everything out of whack. bought two new ones at Advance and it fit like a glove
Frame mounts should not be the same. They are mirror images of each other and the offset goes to the rear.
Are you sure your "302" engine mounts are for a Maverick? Our cars take unique engine mounts. They look like most other 302 engine mounts for other cars, but are very short in comparision. If you use one of the other 302 mounts, even a Stang version that is only slightly taller, it will throw the holes out of alignment with the frame stands. You can use other frame stands, but not engine mounts. The frame stands are different from side to side. Mirror image as pointed out earlier. However the engine mounts are identical. They will swap left to right, and are the same part number... Unlike the frame stands. Make sure the engine mounts are identical. Same height and all... Good luck
I have solved the problem: I had 302 mustang motor mounts not original 302 maverick motor mounts. I guess the guy at the Ford store didn't really know everything. But none the less thanks for everything fellow maverick owners. ......Wow, the motor mounts really look similar and different at the same time. :Handshake
Glad you got it figured out. Now wait til you go to the auto parts store and ask for a 351w starter. They'll ask what model and year. They'll look in the computer and argue with you about the size of the motor. "It can't be. They never came that year."
Now on to the next step of not fitting: How come my Summit brand long tube headers for a 302 maverick won't fit; Do I need to use shorty headers?
302 headers do not fit a 351w in a maverick. do a search for the 351w headers on here. I think Tubular makes a set. Not sure of the others. I have a set but I don't see any name on them.