My buddy of my mine has a 67 falcon 6 cylinder has some problems. 1) he has put all new drums on it all the way around and new lines but when driving and braking it pulls hard to the right but its all aJusted right and looks to me to be all right. Wondering what it could be and in what order to pull Parts to inspect closer or replace. 2) he c4 trans has what I believe is morning sickness. But does it all the time will randomly. Drop out of gear and back in and not always wants to even get out of park. He also can rev the crap out of the engine pedal to the floor and will barely reach 40 MPH. I'm thinking torque converter? Any ideas will be helpfully trying to help him out and I'm kind of stuck straching my head thanks guys
I would check the wheel cylinders. The side opposite of the pull may have a sticking wheel cylinder and not pushing out to grab the drum.
Probably not the problem but I have seen wheel cylinders put it wrong to where the line was on top and the bleader on bottom and you can`t get all the air out that way.
If all the brake parts check good/correctly installed...Check strut rod bushings on same side as the pull as well as the upper control arm bushings on same side. Heck check the entire front suspension while your at it...
As mentioned in the afore posts, check all parts for proper installation and check complete front end for worn parts that will allow movement/shifting of front tires that will contribute to pulling. Over forty years ago when I was getting started professionally as a mechanic I had the opportunity to work the line in a Ford dealership. The "old timer" next to me kept a fish scale hanging on the side of his box. I asked him once what it was for and he told me it was for the novice and or beginner brakeman. HUH? Seems that once you are done replacing everything, pump the brakes a couple of times to set or align shoes and all inside the drums. Take the fish scale and hook the end on one of the wheel studs and rotate the drum by pulling on the top end of the scale and record the amount of resistance it took to do so. Do this on all four drums. This should correct any unequal drag between shoes and drums. Good luck.