Picked up a 71 Grabber without an engine. Installed a 250 from a 74. There is a wire coming from the section of the harness that has the coil, oil sensor and water temp wires. This wire is long enough to go across the firewall and up to the altenator or starter relay. It has a female butt plug. I can find nothing to attach it to. When I turn the key all is dead. It is as if there was no battery installed. Can anyone tell me what this wire is for? Thanks JCJD.
Is you car factory air? Maybe it was for the AC compressor on factory air cars. It was mounted on the right side down low on 6 cylinder cars, if I remember correctly. Even if your car is not factory air, I believe the harness' were wired for all options. If so, there is probably a matching unused end up by your heater control switch.
Thanks to you both. The brown wire on the solinod is there. The factory air may be the answer. This does not have it and I never would have thouht of that. Thanks again.