'72 - 302 original A/C fitment questions

Discussion in 'Technical' started by plynch, Oct 25, 2021.

  1. plynch

    plynch Member

    Aug 24, 2021
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    New Hampshire
    '72 Maverick
    Hello all!

    Finally building up the courage to ask a lot of potentially simple questions now that I've started my project thread here: BetterThanitWas

    To preface, I've indeed searched the forum extensively over the last 7 weeks which has been fantastic for answering any and all questions I've had, what an invaluable resource. I've also of course, read the dozens and dozens of threads on A/C. I think my head spins more now than before however.

    That being said: My 72 had factory A/C at one point in its life, but someone clearly ripped out all but the evaporator/heater box contents. Which I have since ripped out myself to test/assess :beaten:.

    1. Naturally, my first question is, is it worth it to refurb the current setup? I realize this is a question of great debate. Considering I'll need to pick up a compressor, bracket, lines, condenser, dryer, and literally everything else sans heaterbox, I'm torn. I've pressure/leak tested both heater core and evap, both seem A-okay. Box? Not so much. cracked here and there, drain port busted, which I've read can be repaired with beer/gumption. I've read plenty on various aftermarket options as well of course. Keeping in mind I'd rather not add additional dash mounted vents if I can help it, utilizing the stock vents preferably. What's realistic here? Up to my preferences/ pocket change in the end? Or is refurbing the old just too much work vs. a Vintage Air/ semi-plug and play setup? I've read plenty of the Gen IV many use.

    2. Has anyone considered this as a replacement? https://www.cjponyparts.com/acp-heater-box-assembly-1967-1968/p/HBA4/ I assume there's an easy explanation as to why not, but I haven't found it. It looks the same as the OEM A/C heater box, and considering the seal kit used by many here is usually a 68/69 kit, the cowl size/port should fit the same? My guess is a fat NO and I just need to be told so. Obviously would beat me going through the hassle of repairing my current box though.

    Thanks for the insight.
  2. mojo

    mojo "Everett"- Senior Citizen Supporting Member

    Jul 20, 2009
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    73 Comet GT-302 4bl
    My take on AC box-- depending on condition-- I would consider repairing. Going to Gen IV will require involved under-dash mod's. Depending on how much modifications your willing to do -- that's certainly an option. I've been to several Maverick/Comet gatherings, have only seen one Gen Type setup, it had hand fabbed dash, car was owned by forum member "Cometized"; I believe the car has since been sold.
    I had my box out about 10 years ago, wasn't in too bad shape, had to repair broken drain nipple, cleaned up and painted all metal parts. I have aftermarket under-hood setup w/ OE box.
    If you have the skills, you can go any direction and make it work..
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2021
    plynch likes this.
  3. 71gold

    71gold Frank Cooper Supporting Member

    Apr 9, 2002
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    '73 Grabber
    pursue the Vintage Air route. I have a friend that installs them in a lot of different hot rods for people. he raves about the simplicity of the installs. 55 chevy, 37 dodge truck...67 Camaro...30 A model and several more.
    like Everett, I have aftermarket under-hood setup w/ OE box in my 73 Mav.
    just do your research and make sure you have the skills to do it.
    plynch and mojo like this.
  4. Craig Selvey

    Craig Selvey Indiana State Rep - MCCI

    Mar 9, 2002
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    1972 Maverick Grabber - Color: Orange Also, 1976 Ford Maverick 4-door, 1977 Mercury Comet 2-door.
    Expect to spend about $1000 just for under hood items to fix/repair the factory set-up.

    While that Mustang box looks similar.....I think it is different enough to be more hassle than what it is worth.
    plynch, mojo and 71gold like this.

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