Hello all! Finally building up the courage to ask a lot of potentially simple questions now that I've started my project thread here: BetterThanitWas To preface, I've indeed searched the forum extensively over the last 7 weeks which has been fantastic for answering any and all questions I've had, what an invaluable resource. I've also of course, read the dozens and dozens of threads on A/C. I think my head spins more now than before however. That being said: My 72 had factory A/C at one point in its life, but someone clearly ripped out all but the evaporator/heater box contents. Which I have since ripped out myself to test/assess . 1. Naturally, my first question is, is it worth it to refurb the current setup? I realize this is a question of great debate. Considering I'll need to pick up a compressor, bracket, lines, condenser, dryer, and literally everything else sans heaterbox, I'm torn. I've pressure/leak tested both heater core and evap, both seem A-okay. Box? Not so much. cracked here and there, drain port busted, which I've read can be repaired with beer/gumption. I've read plenty on various aftermarket options as well of course. Keeping in mind I'd rather not add additional dash mounted vents if I can help it, utilizing the stock vents preferably. What's realistic here? Up to my preferences/ pocket change in the end? Or is refurbing the old just too much work vs. a Vintage Air/ semi-plug and play setup? I've read plenty of the Gen IV many use. 2. Has anyone considered this as a replacement? https://www.cjponyparts.com/acp-heater-box-assembly-1967-1968/p/HBA4/ I assume there's an easy explanation as to why not, but I haven't found it. It looks the same as the OEM A/C heater box, and considering the seal kit used by many here is usually a 68/69 kit, the cowl size/port should fit the same? My guess is a fat NO and I just need to be told so. Obviously would beat me going through the hassle of repairing my current box though. Thanks for the insight.
My take on AC box-- depending on condition-- I would consider repairing. Going to Gen IV will require involved under-dash mod's. Depending on how much modifications your willing to do -- that's certainly an option. I've been to several Maverick/Comet gatherings, have only seen one Gen Type setup, it had hand fabbed dash, car was owned by forum member "Cometized"; I believe the car has since been sold. I had my box out about 10 years ago, wasn't in too bad shape, had to repair broken drain nipple, cleaned up and painted all metal parts. I have aftermarket under-hood setup w/ OE box. If you have the skills, you can go any direction and make it work..
pursue the Vintage Air route. I have a friend that installs them in a lot of different hot rods for people. he raves about the simplicity of the installs. 55 chevy, 37 dodge truck...67 Camaro...30 A model and several more. like Everett, I have aftermarket under-hood setup w/ OE box in my 73 Mav. just do your research and make sure you have the skills to do it.
Expect to spend about $1000 just for under hood items to fix/repair the factory set-up. While that Mustang box looks similar.....I think it is different enough to be more hassle than what it is worth.