Hi everyone, I am trying to get my car back on the road. I bought it in '89 (my first car) and it has always run great. Last summer it was stumbling and missing, so I rebuilt the original RBS carb and it seemed much better. Fast forward to this spring and it starts up when cold like a FI car. Half a crank and its running, just like when I drove it in high school. However, when it gets warmed up, it starts missing, stalling, etc. It also won't start easily when its hot, I will have to crank it and hold it at WOT. Classic flooding behavior. I pulled into the driveway last night and popped the hood, to find the carb full of boiling fuel. I am planning to pull the carb to check the float position and be sure the needle is seated correctly. Is there anything else I should be looking for? Before all of this started, my father, trying to be nice sent it to a mechanic buddy who "tuned it up" What he did was replace the wires and fuel filter. Unfortunately, he threw away the original fuel inlet and replaced it with a plastic see-through filter. Once I find the correct 45 degree inlet again I will fix that, I assume that this is not helping with issues I'm having. Thanks for your help Phil
Sounds like a vapor lock condition caused by heat soak at the carb. You may want to try and add a composite carb spacer, and/or a fabricate a heat shield for the carb.
... first keep it simple, sounds right to first check float level and float needle. If you are opening carb up anyway, you could get a 'jiffy' kit with new gaskets and float needle. Microscopic tank crap can cause problems, a clear or any fresh filter before carb is a recommended. The 250 is @ an inch taller 'stroked' version of 200. The squat RBS carb was used to fit the 250 air cleaner under the sloping Maverick hood, RBS has the unique low mounted 'teapot' fuel bowl. \ with simple fabbing of a modified air cleaner and 2X1 adapter a universal 2Bbl holley 2300 or Weber will swap in and provide the small block six 250 with a new usable powerband .. .
Made some progress today. Found the float wasn't fully contacting the needle valve. Wasn't completely closing it. After tweaking the float a million times I think I got it right. Now to find an inlet elbow so I can put the correct fuel filter on it to try to eliminate some vapor lock issues. The factory heat shield and phenolic spacer are in place Thanks for your help.