I have had my 71 f-100 for sale or trade on craigslist. The guy had a 84 mustang coupe drag car. It has a 13-1 351w in it and closed chamber 289 heads, big cam, 780 holley and victor jr intake. It has a c4 with a 4800 stall. It has a 9 inch rear with 4.56 gears. It has ladder bars under the rear. It has a set of draglites on it. On the inside its gutted. It has a 4pt bar and seat. It has an aluminum dash. The outside of the car is multiple colors and is strait but looks like crap. The best run was a 7.17 in the 1/8 and it usually runs 7.30's. At first he wanted to trade even over the phone but once we got there he was wanting my truck and around $1500. My truck is worth about $3000 cash and $3500 trade. I figure he will come off it some since him and his son don't race anymore and they liked the truck. It seems as his son doesn't care about the mustang beacuse he is into hotrods instead of drag racing. The dad is the owner and wanted the truck but seemed to be gettin sick when he was thinking about how much he spent. I figured I would get some opinions on what its worth
didn't work out anyway. apparently he spent 5k on the motor and wantd to keep it and wanted to trade the chassis plus cash for the truck but I told him I would sell the truck outright but had no use for the car. Me and dad was trying to figure out how you spend 5k on a 351w with 289 heads. lol
Yea, I was kinda tryin' to figure out why it only ran low 7s in a purpose built, gutted drag car.:16suspect 5k in the motor? With factory type heads? He must've spent a bunch on either goofy stuff(like chrome, braided lines,etc) or lots of machine work on those old heads.