My grandpa's '92 Town Car is making an odd noise. It's slowly been getting louder and louder, and very annoying when driving around. I've traced it to this plastic hose that goes into the side of the intake tube. All I can see is it looks like it snakes down somewhere behind the engine, lots of crap back there and difficult to see anything really. Anyone know what it goes to or why it would be making this horrid noise? The car has 146,000 miles and otherwise runs and drives excellent and is in great condition.
maybe a one way valve from the thermactor pump isnt working right and now pressure from the pump is coming up that pipe ????? My mother in laws crown vic had an Open hose from the pump and it made a terrible humming/whirring sound that would of coarse go up and down with engine speed.
Couldn't watch the video since "big brother" won't let us have Youtube here at work, but if its a humming or hooting type noise, there is a TSB to replace the IAC and install a resonator tube to correct it. I tried to copy it to this post, but I must be doing something wrong, so the article number is TSB 94-22-04 and the tube part number is: F5AZ-9H308-A Idle Air Control Tube Assembly. You may try to replace the tube without the IAC first, but in the past, I've had to go back and replace it to completely get rid of it.