Anyone using 4" after market gauges in the stock bezel? Fbook said some people used 4"speed hut, but they look to be 4.15" and I dont think the stock bezel is that big. Also, round gauge in an oval hole? So if you are rocking 4" after markets , lets see some pics.
not 4" but these fit my stock bezel great... VFD3-1004: Universal Dual 4.75" Round, Digital Instrument From Dakota Digital
Says unit is 4.5" guess that means a 4" should fit also. How did you hook it up to the existing wires? Did you cut off the big existing plug? I wonder if I could make a pin out adapter?
the connector at the top right comes from the gauges. then I took the wires from the cluster plug and changed them to these. get the correct crimpers and connector removal tools for these plugs. it was so simple it seemed the car was wired for digital gauges from the factory. I would say with any mechanical/electrical skills at all it's a 3 on a 1-10 scale.
page-7 from the manual...the connector at the top right comes from the gauges. then I took the wires from the cluster plug and changed them to these. it was so simple it seemed the car was wired for digital gauges from the factory.
This is the setup I was putting together. It's the Dakota Digital VHX 5.4" gauges and a highly modified stock bezel. This gauge set uses a box to collect the signals and send them to the gauges via network cables.
that is the same box I have. it uses a box to collect the signals and send them to the gauges via network cables.