I bought http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=150203089058&ssPageName=STRK:MEWN:IT&ih=005 it was a good deal but i took out the original stereo right now and this cd player fits snug from top to bottom but there is about half an inch on each side of the player when its in the slot. Any ideas on how to fill the space? btw i have a 75 mav 2 door
You need to have your factory radio bezel cut so the sleeve from the CD Player fits nice and tight. (As pictured below) I wouldn't use a installation kit, I doubt there is one for our cars. This is the way I and others have done theirs, fits and looks great. Finished Product: (These are not my pictures) Just using them for reference.
Yes...you need a radio bezel. The ones pictured above are for a 1970-Early 1973. You need one for a 1973-1977. I have some if you need one. Email me directly (see below) if I can help.
well thats good i just wasnt sure if you guys had possibly come up with an alternative but ill just cut the bezel. Ill post pics if you guys want hopefully going to install and get everything set tomorrow. my day off