as quoted from my chilton manual: 1975-1977 model:all caster:1 1/4N to 1/4P preferred setting 1/2N camber: 1/2N to 1P preferred setting: 1/4 P toe-in:0 to 3/8 steering axis inclination: 6 3/4 wheel pivot ratio: inner wheel 20 outer wheel 18 1/3 power steering cars 18 1/8
Thanks guys I'll see what the shop does with these b/c right now with all new parts I can barely move without squealing. I can't wait to start crusin' around in this car again!
I just got mine aligned the other day, and i was amazed when they told me they couldn't do my alignment because their specs didn't go back that far! Fortunately, i decided to have my car aligned to the shelby specs and had them handy, so they were more than happy to do it. I don't recall the specs off the top of my head, buy you can find them by searching for "shelby drop" and finding the one that says something about "negative wedge kit needed?". Must say, i like the results.
I asked around and was refered a great alignment place. I went to check out the place before I brought the mav. The manager got all excited when I told him that I wanted an alignment on a maverick. He seemed to know alot about mavericks, which made me feel good. He looked at me like I was crazy when I asked him if he needs me to bring him the specs. I guess a good place that does alot of alignments keeps all that stuff. Anyways, they did a great job and the mav is handling alot better. Thank you all for your help.