i almost made the news last nite. national head lines! i was driving home fromtodds' wrestling practice in a 6 lane roadway. i was in the right lane. this lady 20 yards ahead of me in the lane next to mine decides she needs gas. so she locks 'em up and yanks in front of me to go into the gas station. in the rain no less! naturally, i locked my car up too. i had to make a quick decision... go there and KILL her? lookit what she almost did to my car!!!!!!!!!!!!!! let it go? i am not a barbarian but.....(my blood is starting to boil all over again) well somewhere in my upbringing, i decided to let it go. anybody out there who doesn't yet have disc brakes... get them! i just 2 days ago picked up a 1970 2 door for almost nuthin. it has drum brakes that don't pull either way BUT if i was in that car, i'da hit her. the disc swap was well worth the time and money. i guess that'll be my first project on my'70.
No stopping Her! Good thing she decided to pull that maneuver on you when the roads are nice and wet! [If it weren't for people like that, we wouldn't get a chance to practise our driving skills]! -Doug